Model Set Volkswagen Fusca Beetle Limousine 1968 - 1/24 REV 67083 - REVELL

Model Set Volkswagen Fusca Beetle Limousine 1968 - 1/24 REV 67083 - REVELL

NCM: 95030050

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Kit para montar - Model Set Volkswagen Fusca Beetle Limousine 1968 - 1/24
Vem com cola, tinta e pincel

Escala: 1/24
Número de peças: 125
Comprimento: 171mm

Sobre o original:
For many years the Volkswagen Beetle was the car in which everything began. Innumerable young people learned to drive in it; innumerable people drove it as the first car in their lives. Over the years improvements were continually being made to the car in order to keep the Beetle competitive. By 1968 the Beetle had reached a standard that always kept it ahead of the competition. The former 1131cc engine became a 44 hp 1500 cc engine. Front disc brakes and a new semi-trailing-arm rear axle held its temperament in check. The headlamps were now vertical and it was possible to fill up the tank through a side flap.



Faixa etária: 14 anos e acima

Joy Hobby e Modelismo Ltda

Av. Rio  Branco, 1516 - Sala 04 - Rio Branco
Caxias do Sul - RS - CEP 95096-000

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