Revell - Model Set - Dodge Charger 1968 - 1/25 REV 67188

Revell - Model Set - Dodge Charger 1968 - 1/25  REV 67188

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Model Set - Dodge Charger 1968 - 1/25

Escala: 1/25
Número de peças: 139
Comprimento: 213 mm

Vem com cola tinta e pincel

Sobre o original:
The Dodge Charger from 1968 was the second, very much sought after version of the concept of an affordable sporty car from Dodge. The streamlined fastback bodywork gave it dynamics even at a standstill. Under the bonnet engines up to 7 litres 425 hp provided breathtaking propulsion. This made one a certain winner in any race at the lights. Many called the 1968 Charger perhaps the finest US coupe of that decade. Its success was also reflected in the figures. 96,100 cars were supplied to satisfied customers. The Dodge Charger found international fame playing opposing Steve McQueen's Ford in the chase through San Francisco in the film Bullit .

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