TRAX1996 - Idler Gear 30T Hawk 2/Blue Eagle LS/LSII

TRAX1996 - Idler Gear 30T Hawk 2/Blue Eagle LS/LSII

NCM: 95030099

Disponibilidade/Entrega: até 1 dia útil

R$ 16,00
À vista:
R$ 14,40 com 10% de desconto
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Mais Informações

This is the replacement idler gear for the Traxxas Hawk 2, Blue Eagle LS and
Blue Eagle LSII.  This is the black nylon "middle gear" inside the gearbox.

PACKAGE INCLUDES:  One 30 tooth idler gear

COMMENTS:  This package does not include the 5x11 bearings (2) that are
           installed in this gear.  They are available in  DTXC1547
           Also fits Nitro Hawk also for the Rustler, Stampede & Rad2  

Joy Hobby e Modelismo Ltda

Av. Rio  Branco, 1516 - Sala 04 - Rio Branco
Caxias do Sul - RS - CEP 95096-000

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